09/28/05: Brought the FNC home via the NRA range in Fairfax, Virginia. Since I couldn't wait to fire, and hanging around until after the range closes was too long a wait, I decided that "zeroing" and full auto would be conducted separately. Thus, I did semi auto only fire at NRA. Very accurate, as I would expect out at 25 yards. One FNC mag would not seat....
Upon inspection with a dial caliper, the magazine latch is significantly off with the magazine which wouldn't seat. I did some filing, and at least I could get the empty to seat...
The Burst fire link above is from range session 2; 10/01/05 Shooter's Paradise. I still could not get the full FNC mag from the previous session to seat. I downloaded a round and it did seat, so maybe a little more filing. All other magazines - 1 FNC, 3 standard, "green follower" AR mags were fine. Of course, no malfunctions. The 3 round burst setting is very nice to have, I like the added flexibility. I think the FNC is a little bit heavier than the M16, but it still climbs on full auto a bit. Even so, I thought it was very controllable.
Two thumbs up!
Update: May 2006
If you own, are thinking about, or are even remotely considering an FNC SEAR gun, you have to check out the Thunder in the Hills page! With only 1 major hitch, the FNC absolutely rocked at Thunder in the Hills. We poured ~3200 rounds through it without cleaning or lubrication, and the most frequent problem was us loading 31 rounds in the 30 round magazines. Check out the FNC in action:
